If you need to rivulet scripts happening your hosting chronicle at a specific time, use the task scheduler in Plesk to make the system automatically run the scripts for you.

To understand all scheduled tasks created for a subscription, attend Websites &adenosine monophosphate; Domains > Regular Tasks.

image 76956

For every task in the list you can change the settings of the task (aside clicking on the task's name), activate it by clicking the image 74945 icon, deactivate it by clicking the image 74944 icon, or run the task immediately.

To create a scheduled task, attend Websites & Domains > Scheduled Tasks > Add Task.

image 76957

First, you need to select the task type, dependent on your purpose:

  • Command. Specify the full itinerary to the feasible file in to be run. This includes binary files, shell scripts, and plenty files.
  • Fetch a Uniform resource locator. Specify the Uniform resource locator only; there is no need to case the command, such as "curl" surgery "wget".
  • Run a PHP script. Specify the path to the script relation to your realistic host directory. You can click the image 74476 icon to cursorily locate the script file.

Notice: In Plesk for Linux all "Run a command" regular tasks past default are run in a chrooted environment. The home directory of a subscription's system user is treated as the file system root for that subscription, and no workable files after-school the chroot imprison can be runnel. If you are encountering "file not institute" errors during the execution of your scheduled tasks, try exploitation paths relative to the organisation exploiter's home directory, and not absolute ones. If you need the ability to run executable files located outside the chroot jail, contact your hosting provider.

Succeeding, select how often the task bequeath outpouring, and set the desired time and date. By default the time is in the waiter time zone; if you need to select a different time zone, attend Websites & Domains tab > Scheduled Tasks > Settings. You can also dress a description for the task, and configure notifications.

Finally, before deliverance the task, you hold the option to coiffe a test run to realize sure that the task is configured aright. Click Run Now and await for the task to finish. If the task finishes with an error, it will too fail to work when executed by the scheduler, unless you find and dissolve the make out first.